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Nick Shoemaker, Software Developer

The Human 元素 Behind Our Success


He's a Software Developer with the Technology Solutions team at 元素. 他说, "I'm your friendly neighborhood coder!"


His main tasks involve getting various IT systems to talk to each other. He provides development and support to the underlying tools that help products like Salesforce, 第二季度哪个赌钱app比较好, and Informatica work with our core and imaging systems. He also monitors many of our automated data tasks that help our business to run smoothly.

当 & Why Did Nick Join 元素?

He joined 元素 in June of 2019, coming from a remote position with a large out-of-state bank. He was looking for something a little closer to home, with a more personal culture, and somewhere he could work more often face-to-face with colleagues.

Why Does Nick Enjoy 元素?

He believes there's a real sense of satisfaction in seeing the tools and services he has developed helping people in their day-to-day jobs. Ideation and Developer are two of his top 5 Clifton Strengths, so it's very rewarding for him to see ideas making people more successful — a rising tide lifts all boats!

Where Can You Find Nick Beyond Work?

Nick says "If you'd asked me a couple of years ago, I would have said you'd find me out with my wife at live music events, 餐厅, and other popular nightlife locations (if we weren't hosting something already at our home)… but now, 我们有个蹒跚学步的孩子, so it's more of the kid-friendly activities like the zoo, 儿童博物馆, 和公园. We hope to travel more again soon as he gets older, too."

What Are Some "Fun Facts" About Nick?

  • Prior to his son's birth, he spent a lot of time volunteering with a local board gaming convention, holding several roles over almost a decade (Treasurer, 它主管, 总统, and Convention Chair).
  • 他说, "I sampled several sports when I was in school, including basketball, 足球, 摔跤, 网球, 和游泳."
  • And he's never had a cavity! (Keep up the good work, Nick!)

Banking the Way You Want It

Mobile Banking App

  • 哪个赌钱app比较好 & 账单支付
  • Mobile check deposit

Add our 卡控App

  • Added security for 元素 credit and debit cards
  • Card lock technology
  • Card activity notifications